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About ME:

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Let’s talk and discover how I can support You.

About Jenette Traverson - Intuitive Life and Wellness Coach

Welcome to a world of transformation and empowerment! For over two decades, I have dedicated my life to guiding women on their journey to self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. I am an Intuitive Life and Wellness Coach, Reiki Master, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Shamanic Healer.

A Journey of Healing and Empowerment

My path as a healing practitioner began years ago when I embarked on a quest to understand the connection of mind, body, and spirit. In my 20’s I experienced a healing crisis when I learned I had Cancer. Being a single mom with a young son, enormous fear set in. I was determined to learn more, understand, and heal my body.

This deep soul dive took me into my old stories and the limiting beliefs I had carried and believed since I was a child. I knew in order to heal, it was time to shift those old beliefs since learning it can create dis-ease in our body. I had to become present, accountable, and observant of my thoughts. I had to unlearn old beliefs and make peace with my past to shift out of old doubts and negative thoughts that were stuck on repeat in my mind. I learned the connection that our thoughts and beliefs have on our health and made immediate changes. I chose to believe my body had the wisdom and know-how to reset, restore harmony and balance, and heal. It was time for transformation. And I did, which led me further on my healing path.

As a Reiki Master, I learned how to harness the power of energy healing to help clients achieve balance and harmony within themselves. My journey also led me to the profound practice of Clinical Hypnotherapy, a tool that has allowed clients to access the deepest parts of their psyche, addressing limiting beliefs and unlocking their true potential.

Shamanic Healing: Bridging the Gap

Drawing from the ancient wisdom of Shamanic healing, I delved deep into the realms of the spirit world, connecting with nature, spirit, and its energies. This unique approach allows me to help my clients connect deeper within and unearth the roots of their challenges.

Over the years, working with Medicine Men in traditional Navajo Ceremonies on and off the Reservation had a profound effect on my spiritual journey. I learned to trust my intuition and understand what I am shown in other dimensions and the spirit world around us.

I am here to support and guide others to understand their personal blocks and challenges even if carried over from other lifetimes or passed from our ancestral lineages. This opened my heart to see the beauty and truth of who we really are and how I can assist others to discover this for themselves. You are more powerful than you realize.

Empowering Women to Find Their Voice

My passion lies in empowering women to find their voices, break free from self-imposed limitations, and manifest the lives they desire. I specialize in helping women heal past wounds, overcome blocks, and dissolve limiting beliefs that have held them back.

Unlocking Success and Prosperity

Success and prosperity are within your reach. Through my coaching, you will learn to manifest abundance and unlock your full potential. I guide you on a journey of self-discovery, offering tools and strategies to manifest your deepest desires.

The Loving Relationship You Desire

True love begins with loving yourself. I help women create the foundations for loving relationships, starting with the most important one – the relationship with yourself. Whether you're looking for love or aiming to strengthen an existing relationship, I'm here to support you.

Health, Longevity, and Inner Balance

Physical and mental health are the foundation of a fulfilling life. Together, we'll work on achieving optimal health and longevity while maintaining harmony and inner balance.

Making Peace with Your Past

The past does not define your future. I offer guidance on releasing the burdens of the past, allowing you to move forward with a clear heart and mind.

Affirm and Speak Your Desires into Existence

Words have immense power. Learn how to affirm your desires and manifest them into reality through the art of positive self-expression.

Create a Life You Love to Wake Up to Every Day

My mission is to help you craft a life that fills you with inspiration each morning. Let's work together to create a life you love waking up to every day.

Let's Begin Your Transformation Journey

I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Your transformation begins here. Reach out to me, and let's take the first step towards the life you've always dreamed of.

Additional Studies:

  • Herbal healing with Herbalist, Marti Galione

  • Certified with Dr. Richard Schultz’s Herbal Cleanse and Detox Program

  • Certified Golden Energy Healer with Dr. Janolyn Moore

  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, American Board of Hypnotherapy

  • Certified Usui Reiki Master & Teacher

  • Vibrational Energy Medicine utilizing Energetic Frequencies

  • Kinesiology

  • Touch for Health

  • Reflexology

  • Bach Flower Essence Practitioner

  • Angelic Vibrational Essences

  • EFT

  • Apex Homeopathy and Nutritional Supplements classes and workshops


Information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or legal advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider when you have questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking such advice because of something you have read on this website. Consult a Physician before starting a physical fitness program or alternative health regimen.