Jenette Traverson
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Jenette Traverson
Create a life you love to wake up to everyday.

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Tap into the wisdom that lives within you, it’s accessed from your heart.

This is your personal invitation to “remember” because underneath it all you have limitless potential.

I’m passionate about what I do and here to empower you to find your voice, access your truth, clear limiting beliefs and old stories, and speak into being what you really desire! I want to help you create a life you love. As an Intuitive Life and Empowerment Coach, I do things a bit differently because I believe within you is this untapped and unseen potential that you forgot exists.

Everyone is born with the ability to heal, to think a new thought in any given moment and shift their mindset and the energy that follows. When you feel stressed, stuck, frustrated from health, financial, or relationship issues, it’s hard to figure it out and see past the overwhelm. Try something different and acknowledge this as a message telling you “something is out of balance and needs to be adjusted”.

Doing so requires a willingness to explore deeper and the courage to look at the root cause of it and then meet it with love. Any imbalance is created from the absence of love.


What would it be like to be free of the pain, stress, and overwhelm?

What if this is an opportunity to discover more of who you are?

What stories are you telling yourself, does it limit or empower you?

Are you ready to clear the limiting beliefs and energy you carry?

Are you ready to re-write the story you tell yourself?

What would your life look and feel like to tap into your abundance, feel good in your body, and feel empowered?